Our Partners

Education Equality Project
The Education Equality Project is leading a civil rights movement to eliminate the racial and ethnic achievement gap in public education by working to create an effective school for every child.


Congressional Black Caucus
The Congressional Black Caucus is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that is dedicated to supporting key causes. Get involved by visiting their website.


ConnCAN is a platform for Connecticut citizens to effectively speak up for kids. Without the right political climate, great schools will continue to elude Connecticut’s most disadvantaged children. To close Connecticut’s gaping achievement gap, a new ethos of reform must permeate state government, the education establishment, and the wide community of citizens.


U.S Commission on Civil Rights
To investigate complaints alleging that citizens are being deprived of their right to vote by reason of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or by reason of fraudulent practices. Visit their website for more information.


Parent Revolution
The Parent Revolution was started by a coalition of organizations, led by the Los Angeles Parents Union (LAPU). LAPU was founded in 2006 as a coalition of parents who tired of sending our kids to broken schools. For too long, everyone else has been in charge of our children’s schools.


The Connecticut Commission on Children
The Commission develops landmark policies for children; brings dollars and donated skills to the state; leads in media for children and youth; performs key research on children’s needs; brings the family to government and government to the family; and is recognized as the best coordinating entity for children in the nation.


African American Affairs Commission
The mission of the African-American Affairs Commission (AAAC) is to improve and promote the economic development, education, health and political well-being of the African-American community in the State of Connecticut.


AFCAMP (African Caribbean American Parents of Children)
AFCAMP a parent advocacy organization for parents who have children with disabilities in the Hartford Public Schools within Hartford , Connecticut.


U.S Department of Education
The mission of the Department of Education is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. It engages in four major types of activities. Please visit their website for further information


Congressional Black Caucus, Dr. Steve Perry
Courageous conversations about what is needed to reduce CT's worst in the nation Achievement Gap and the best selling author of Raggedy Schools.


The Black and Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus
The Black and Latino Caucus, formed in 1976, is comprised of all Black and Latino legislators. Its mission is to promote and assist minorities in raising awareness and becoming more actively involved the political process. The Caucus carries on a tradition of not only representing constituents, but working for the good of all citizens.

(CT BAEO) Black Alliance For Educational Options
Supports empowering low income black families with school choice


New Beginnings Family Academy
A public charter school in Bridgeport, Connecticut. At New Beginnings Family Academy, intelligence plus character is our ultimate goal. Every individual will learn without limits gain innovative real world experiences; respect one another’s diversity meet and exceed expectations and STRETCH!



Identifying and Implementing effective strategies for engaging, motivating and retaining specific diverse populations is key to producing sustained and improved outcomes for children,their family, and the community within the areas of education, social and economics.

The State of Black CT Alliance provides intensive/ interactive, hands on technical assistance and training. Some of our products include:

  • Engaging the Faith Based Community
  • C.L.A.S.S. (Church Leaders Assuring Student Success)
  • Moving Beyond Parent Involvement to Parent Engagement within Diverse Communities
A diverse circle of hands finger tips pointing to the center forming a star burst

Contacting A State of Black CT Representative
